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Monday 2 January 2017

25 Awful Things That Happened In 2016

2016 was a particularly hard year for our little blue-green rock, it seems. This list is in no way exhaustive, there are many things we simply didn't have room for - Standing rock, for example. As we look back over the last year, let's take a moment to dedicate ourselves to doing better in 2017, wherever we may be, in whatever ways we can. Here are 25 of the awful things that happened in 2016.

25 Awful Things That Happened In 2016 | List25

Millions of Bees died due to gross human incompetence.

Brangelina is no more.

On July 8th Five Dallas Police Officers were murdered by a sniper at a Black Lives Matter event.

A 20 year old college student was shot and killed while playing Pokemon Go at a park in San Francisco.

Prince died of an accidental opioid fentanyl overdose on April 21st.

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union via special referendum vote, and much like the US election in 2016, this vote sharply divided the country.

France suffered even more devastating terror attacks from ISIS / radicalized Islamic Jihadists.

Wildfires raged through Tennessee in the United States in November, killing 14 and injuring over 130 people, as well as burning hundreds of homes.

Alan Rickman dies.

New Apple products don't have silly things like headphone jacks, because why would they?

Gene Wilder dies.

Riots happened all over the US after Donald J Trump won the Election for President of the United States.

Alligators grabbed a two year old little boy named Lane Graves who was playing in the water at a Walt Disney World resort and pulled him under, drowning him.

The death of Harambe

Prolonged rainfall during August caused massive flooding in Louisiana, resulting in 13 deaths.

Muhammad Ali died on June 3rd.

Carrie Fisher, best known as Princess and then General Leia in the Star Wars movies, dies at age 60 just two days after Christmas.

Turkey has also been the victim of much terrorist violence carried out by ISIS/ISIL.

Harper Lee dies.

In what was a stunning upset to our political process, The Democratic National Convention which was held in Philadelphia in July, treated Bernie Sanders (who was running for the Democratic Party's nomination against Hillary Clinton) and his supporters in a pretty shameful fashion.

On June 12th, 2016, Omar Mateen killed 49 people inside of Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, FL during a three hour standoff with police, resulting in the deadliest mass shooting by a single shooter in United States history, and the largest act of violence against the LGBTQ community in US history.

Aleppo, Syria, has possibly had the worst 2016 of any region of the world.

George Michael dies on Christmas Day.

The 2016 Election happened, and regardless of if you're Pro Trump, Pro Hillary, a Libertarian or a Green Party voter, it was awful.

In January 10th, David Bowie died, just two days after the release of his 25th album, Blackstar and his 69th birthday.

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